Tuesday, September 13, 2011

new classes are on the way ....

if you saw smoke in the sky this afternoon mixed between the hail and thunderstorms it's because our brains were doing lots of thinking.  while eating warm pikelets (have you ever tried them with butter and sprinkles? no? you most definately should) with kids happily playing, we were planning a few new classes for the rest of what's left of 2011 .... and starting the list of all the exciting classes we want to bring to you in 2012. if you have anything specific you'd like to learn please email me at workshop33@hotmail.co.nz and let me know.  i'll be putting up more details and photos in the next few days but for now you might want to book these dates out on your calender :)  one of our dreams with these workshops is to inspire you to create ... so instead of seeing something and thinking "wow i so wish i could make one of those" ... the reality is you can. come along, have fun, learn something new (or refresh something old) and leave with something YOU created.

the dates you will want to book out on the calender before anyone else in your house does.

easy peasy bunting!
17th october monday 6.45-9pm

workshop 33 denim pouch
31st october monday 6.45-9.30pm

amy butler frenchy bag
10th december saturday 12pm-5pm

more details up soon. any questions email me workshop33@hotmail.com

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